Marie Keating

The Marie Keating Foundation is a leader in raising cancer awareness to men and women in Ireland. Its main mission is to avoid the fear of cancer among its affected by offering the necessary guidance. Currently they provide information on the most common types of cancer such as: breast, cervix, ovaries, lung, skin, prostate, testicular, bowel and bladder.

One of its main programs is the Mobile Information Unit, carrying a total of 8 nurses to the Irish community. These provide necessary help and advice free of charge and visit schools, workplaces and community centers throughout the country. In 2016 they were able to serve a total of 23,694 people.

Another of the grants offered by the foundation is the «Comfort Fund». These are grants for cancer patients that help cover any high extra costs involved in covering medical care. In 2016, the foundation offered assistance to 534 people with more than € 150,000.

The Global Gift Foundation supports this Foundation since 2016 so that they can continue offering the necessary help and advice in Ireland.

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